Page 21 - Envision-09-10-2021
P. 21

Neurolens recently spoke with Dr. John Skorski, an optometrist at Spectrum Family EyeCare in
            Saskatoon, Sask., who implemented the Neurolens technology about a year ago. We discussed his
            experience with the technology.
                                                               [ Dr. John Skorski ]
            Neurolens: (N) How have Neurolenses impacted the lives of
            your patients, as well as your practice, and the members of
            your team?                                                 again in two years for a complete eye
            Dr. John Skorski (JS): The success of Neurolens            exam. If you go with Neurolenses, we will
            has been mind-blowing. No other technology                 follow-up  in four  months to  see  how you’re    ADVERTORIAL
            has had such an  enormous impact on my                     getting along. Do you have any questions?”
            patients’ lives, my practice, or my staff’s
            excitement about coming to work every day.                 N: What are the benefits of the NMD
            I am humbled by the number of symptomatic                  (Neurolens Measuring Device)?
            patients I encounter. At the same time, I am proud to offer   JS: The NMD device provides incredibly accurate and repeatable
            them an “optical solution to a medical problem”, a solution    information about a person’s eye alignment. This sheds light
            that offers them a life without pain, reading fatigue and    on why an adult might be struggling to read while wearing
            frequent headaches.                              their progressives, or why a child might experience trouble
                                                             with reading.
            N: Why did you decide to go forward with Neurolens?
            JS: Neurolens is truly a “game changer”. Many technologies   N: What type of support do you get from the Neurolens team?
            help to improve eyesight, but no other technology has helped   JS: The Neurolens team has been instrumental in ensuring my
            the brain to experience better vision.           staff is well-trained on test administration, and in supporting
                                                             my own education on how the lens works and how best to
            N: What is the most important information an ECP can give a patient about   prescribe it.
            Neurolens to help them make the decision to purchase the product?
            JS: It is crucial for patients to understand that our natural    N: What type of feedback do you get from patients? Do any patient
                                                             stories come to mind about someone you’ve helped with Neurolens?
            vision is amazing but imperfect. This can limit how well we
            see, think and feel. We can improve that with Neurolens.   JS: Neurolens has been life-changing for my patients. A
            Following is a suggested script for practitioners who are    28-year-old lady came to me reporting daily headaches since
            talking to prospective Neurolens wearers:        she was five years old. She was taking five Tylenol tablets a
            “I can explain Neurolens technology to you, using the    day just to function. She had seen many neurologists, had
                                                             MRIs and electrodiagnostic tests performed, and had seen
            acronym I’M.ImPerfect.C.C.                       every professional you could imagine, all without getting
            Insight - We have new insight into how well the eyes and brain   relief. When she put on the Neurolens glasses, she burst into
            communicate with each other.                     tears, saying, “My headache just went away. You’ve changed
            Miscommunication - We know that our eyes are never    my life.”
            looking exactly where our brains want them to be.
                                                             N: What would you tell your colleagues that might help them decide to
            Impact - This impacts how quickly and accurately our brains  become Neurolens providers?
            can process information. Forty per cent of our brains are
            dedicated to dealing with the information received from our   JS:  That this technology can have  a profound  impact on
            eyes and we are starting to understand how this impacts the   how we care for our patients. It also helps to improve their
            rest of our bodies (e.g., eye pain/fatigue, headaches, jaw pain,   quality of life at the most fundamental level. Neurolens also
            neck and shoulder tension, and possible learning issues).  contributes to how your patients value your time and the care
                                                             you provide them.
            Perfection - The communication between our brains and our
            eyes can now be perfected with a new generation of lenses  N: Can you briefly summarize your experience with Neurolens?
            that uses contoured prism (or curved prism). These lenses are    JS: I have been an eyecare professional for 22 years and
            designed to help you see better and feel better.  Neurolens has fundamentally changed how I think about
            Cost – Neurolenses are specialty lenses. If, after wearing them,   my role in the lives of my patients in a way that no other
            your client’s symptoms have not been substantially reduced,   technology has done.
            Neurolens will give a full refund.
            Close  -  From  what  I  see  today,  you  would  benefit  from    N: What surprised you the most about dispensing Neurolenses?
            Neurolens. Whether you stay with traditional lens technology    JS: Most of the difficulties my patients experienced have been
            or try Neurolens technology is totally up to you. If you   lifelong, but they remained largely unaddressed until now.
            choose the traditional option, I would like to see you   I can now say that I have a solution for them.

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