Page 14 - Envision-01-2022
P. 14

Cover Story

                         L O W V ISION

               “    What was

              intended for the

            mainstream public
              has evolved for            /  Visolux Digital FHD Video Magnifier  /
                                  “      price tags or look at medicine bottles,  compact desktop video magnifier, the
            people with visual           Ryan says that instead of carrying a 3x  For workspaces at home, school and work,
                  impairments            handheld magnifier with you to spot  instead of huge CCTVs, Eschenbach‘s
                                         and a 3x stand magnifier for extended  Vario Digital FHD 16, and its new
                                         periods of reading, you can have both   22-inch model can actually fold down to
                                         in one with variable magnification. For  five inches in height and magnify from
                                         example, Eschenbach’s ergonomically  1.3 to 45 times. Students can now tuck
                                         designed, portable, 5-inch Smartlux   the desktop magnifier in a case and carry
                                         Digital can magnify from 3 to 15 times,  it from class to class. And if it’s attached
                                         and the 12-inch Visolux Digital video  to a Sony Handycam and a tripod via
                                         magnifier can magnify from 2 to 22  the HDMI port, the student can toggle
                                         times.                              back and forth from near to the distance
                                                                             blackboard. The colour and contrast of
                                                                             the print in the video magnifier scan can
                                                                             easily be enhanced or reversed and the
                                                                             LED lights can be turned off or adjusted
                                                                             for glare/brightness on the page. Patients
                                                                             also get a much larger lens or screen
                                                                             without size changes and without
                                                                             the closer working distances that
                                                                             conventional higher power lenses
                                                                             require. Best of all, the patient can change
                                                                             the magnification and make it larger as
                                                                             their eye condition worsens.
                                                                             Today’s healthcare technology sometimes
                                                                             seems to have been lifted from the pages
                                                                             of science fiction. Since Google glasses
                                                                             debuted in the early 2010s, virtual reality
                                                                             has made huge strides and according
                                                                             to Dr. Ho, the new virtual reality
                                                                             wearables are the next “hot and sexy” for
                                                                             LVR providers. “What was intended for
                                                                             the mainstream public has evolved for
                                                                             people with visual  impairments,” says
                                                                             Dr. Juricic.

                                                           /  Vario Digital FHD Video Magnifier  /

      12  /  JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2022   /  /
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